You can open documents with the viewer from anywhere the document's name is shown. Once opened, you can use the viewer's tools to examine the document.
Meridian Explorer can use one of the following viewers to show documents:
Which viewer is used and for what documents is determined by the viewers that are available to the client PC, by the central options configured as described in the following task, and by the preferences that are configured by the user. The default viewer window options are acceptable for most users but you can configure numerous options to further optimize their experience.
To view a document from the results list:
To view a document from the General page:
To view a document from a detail page:
For information about the AutoVue viewer tools , see the AutoVue documentation that is available in the Meridian Enterprise distribution package and at the Oracle website. This includes the Oracle AutoVue Userʹs Manual in several languages and a Supported File Formats document that lists the supported file formats.
The following topics describe how to configure your viewing preferences and how to use the PDFTron viewer.
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